Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Show Me The Millions

Literary websites come in a variety of flavors. Some you can post your own work and some are just about the world of literature in general. One of my favorite sites is The Millions. It is the perfect mishmosh of essays, reviews, and other aspects pertaining to literature. With the popularity of sites such as Buzzfeed, it would be understandable for a site such as The Millions to fall to the wayside. It is over ten years old, after all. However, it has successfully kept up with the times and includes more hip aspects, such as lists like this one where the writer discusses five crime novels that have female detectives. The Millions has proved that it is flexible enough to continue to be relevant in an age where there is little to no attention span on the internet. If it continues on its path, I believe it will make it past its 20th birthday and then some.

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